Be free to imagine

Isn’t it wonderful to be out and about on a long weekend. So different from lockdowns when I turned to imagination to set myself free. I created adventures in my mind; saw places I’d never been, met people I’d never seen.

These wanderings, these imaginings, kept me steady in lockdown. And happy. I only sought out good imaginings, the kind that often made me laugh.

And then, I began to think ‘what if I could share imagination with others’ so you, too, could gain respite from the real world, so you could laugh. What if by sharing imagination, we could all begin to see the endless possibilities. To look at life through a different lens. Where might life on earth go if only we called on our imaginations more.

That’s when Imagination Session® was born. A chance to access that part of us that makes us forever human, our thoughts. What might you imagine?

My imagination led me to form Imagination Session® and with that, I gained such purpose.

Are you ready to come with me along the journey. An imaginative journey to places we’ve never seen, meet people we never before knew existed. Are you ready for a break from the ‘real’ world’, to laugh, to wander into such fun-filled imaginings.

Perfect for team-building… and for freedom to laugh.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Stephen Hawking on imagination


Why imagine?