A time to celebrate

A day to celebrate yesterday; I donned my cap and gown at Doltone House in Sydney to graduate from a postgraduate education course.

It took a lot of motivation to complete this course under covid’s shadow. Maybe we should all take a bow for whatever we’ve achieved in the last three years. I’d like to believe we’re all celebrating something, our big and our small steps.

I’m grateful for this course; it helps me to plan and deliver each Imagination Session®. I had the idea for this start-up in lockdowns when my imagination led me away from that solitary life to adventures far, far away.

I suddenly saw the value in imagining; that it embraces laughter and play but is also, so much more. Positive imagining reveals to us our dreams and helps us touch hope and optimism and reach for the seemingly impossible.

In these team building exercises in collective imagination, I lead you on a facilitated imaginative journey. You are no longer the observer (as in film and TV) but rather, you drive the action.

And when it’s all done and dusted, I remind you that while we laugh, we learn and take one more step towards enhanced wellbeing, happiness, creativity and innovation.

But to make the magic happen, I need more. So I draw on a career history as a writer, journalist and story teller and more recently, an imagination coach. Also, a happiness coach, a certification I gained earlier this year and see as an important addition to ensure I can bring out the joyous moments in these sessions so we can savour them.

But back to achievements, I’d love to hear what you accomplished in the shadow of covid, the big and the small steps. If you feel inclined, please share. And if you’d like to chat about our facilitated imaginative journeys, send me a DM.

I’ve also put a link in the comments so you can learn more about our sessions.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.


Imagine for wellbeing


An imagination challenge