Imagination: a perfect match for ambition

In many ways, imagination equals ambition. It can be the catalyst to spur us on to grand ideas that require big goals to make change happen.

If there is a prize for choosing imagination, could it be that you are granted the opportunity to explore your world more thoroughly; you gain a front row seat to shape possibilities, to make the seemingly impossible possible, you claim the right to dream, all because you’ve given yourself permission to imagine.

What ambitions do you have that are fuelled by imagination?

Or do you long for an imaginative practice that could lead to those types of ambitions, the ones with big goals and sometimes, surprisingly innovative outcomes?

It’s never too late to start imagining. In fact, imagination can be taught. In their book ‘Imagination First’, educator Eric Liu and Lincoln Centre Institute executive director Scott Noppe-Brandon remind that imagination can be cultivated and that everyone “can raise their level of imagination and readiness to apply it”.

Such a delight to make imagination an everyday practice.


Dawn runs experiential Imagination Sessions that invite attendees to reconnect with their imaginations for wellbeing, professional skills development, ideas generation, future planning, and more.

DM or email for more details, to request a free half-hour discovery call or to book an Imagination Session®.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

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Imagination: a gateway to professional skills