Imagination is smart business

Here’s why your business should take imagination seriously.

So you’re not caught out when the next digital disruptor enters your industry. Think Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Airbnb, or Uber. Each entered a market that operated with ‘traditional’ business models that had a system, a routine, processes that worked, “we’ve always done it that way.” And suddenly, new ideas emerged and changed everything.

These digital disruptors each grabbed market share at the expense of traditional providers.

How many independent book stores have survived the emergence of Amazon and in its wake, other online book sellers.

Our TV consumption habits have forever changed with the onslaught of Netflix. Apple altered the way we interact with technology while Airbnb and Uber re-imagined and totally reshaped how accommodation and transport are offered.

Customers flocked to the new alternatives; did anyone see that coming?

Of course, you can keep working in your business using your tried-and-tested methods and processes.

Or you can build a business ecosystem that encourages imagination to prosper.

Make imagination a core skill within your company culture. Because imagination is the source of everything. All inspiration, any new idea, the latest innovation, they all began from the wellspring of someone’s imagination.

Rather than watch, like a bystander, as others reshape your industry landscape, why not build into your systems imagination and see where it might lead.

I created Imagination Session®, to remind that we all possess this super power, imagination, and to offer a program that encourages you to make this wellspring of ideas part of your everyday.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagine and you might just become…


Stephen Hawking on imagination