A work-life balance through imagination

How can we get our work-life balance right? For me, it’s important to get an occasional break away from the pressures of work. I do that through my imagination. It helps me relieve stress, makes me more hopeful and builds my resilience.

I first began experimenting and reconnecting with my imagination in in lockdowns. With a writing background, I would tap out a story that led me to meet interesting people, travel to exotic locations and experience the most amazing adventures. All in my mind.

The impact was both positive and immediate; each time I returned from my imaginings, I was refreshed, happier and more content with a greater resilience and a confidence to meet each next day.

Soon, I began to research imagination through the writings of psychologists, philosophers, academics, neuroscientists and more.

I discovered:

  • Imagination is linked to optimism and joy; it can make us feel hopeful.

  • Imagination often sets our minds free; imagining has been called ‘free play’ or ‘'like touching freedom’.

  • Imagination is useful to relieve stress. By temporarily setting aside our problems (unless they need immediate attention) and giving ourselves permission to dream, we can shift our focus, at least for awhile, to happier thoughts.

Put simply, imagination fosters wellbeing which makes for a more balanced and meaningful life. Each of us already has this amazing skill; to gain its full benefits and achieve a better work-life balance, we need only encourage our imaginations to grow.

  • Dawn Adams is the founder of Imagination Session® and a Griffith University Industry Fellow. She runs experiential sessions to reconnect you with your imagination. She also offers individual or small group imagination coaching.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.


Imagine to adapt to changing times


Critical thinking, core to imagination, a business essential