From idea to business; an imaginative journey

Imagination changed my world; it gave me an idea that crossed over from a thought, a rough gem, into reality to become a business. Today, Imagination Session® runs team-building workshops with a focus on collective imagination to promote creativity and innovation.

It all began because I turned to imagination in lockdowns and there, I found an idea, to share imagination and all its benefits with you.

Here’s what I love about imagination; it’s what makes us uniquely human. Artificial intelligence does not yet have a brain like ours that can wander freely and come up with something that has never before existed. A brand new thought, inspired, that can sometimes transfer from an idea in someone’s imagination into the real world. And one day in the maybe not-so-distant future, become our ‘new normal’.

We take for granted so many advances that have grown from someone’s imagination; the wheel, electricity, running water, the printed word, flight, medical miracles that are now everyday treatments. We are surrounded by the most extraordinary brain power, we need only tap into our imaginations to find it.

If you feel you’d benefit from an imagination workout, why not book an Imagination Session®.


  • as a team-building exercise

  • to welcome new staff members, interns or students into a culture that invites fresh ideas and encourages collaboration

  • as a pathway to learn more about imagination to promote creativity and innovation.

Also suitable for:

  • a group of friends or

  • a book club

To enquire about an Imagination Session, or learn more, click on the button below or email


Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Four tips to nurture an imaginative idea


Five tips to foster imagination