Imagination: the power within

The Olympics remind that the seemingly impossible can be within our grasp. We might not all be able to claim our spot in the history books as Olympians but we can still imagine. What might happen next if….

The theme song for the Sydney Olympics was ‘Dare to Dream’, the lyrics showing such wisdom:

I will follow the light from within
I'm not afraid of weakness
I'm gonna taste the sweetness
Of the power not to give in

This past week, we’ve witnessed such an extraordinary show of never giving up. The Games are a visual image of imagination, combined with all those elements that enable our dreams to transcend the shape of ‘an idea’ and leap into real life. When good ideas or goals become a reality, as in the Games, there is a such a roar of joy and celebration everywhere; at the venues, the public viewing areas and perhaps even louder, in our homes.

Imagination combined with talent, skill and knowledge as well as a commitment and determined never-give-up attitude can reap gold.

What if we used our imaginations, our ‘light from within’, to address some of our biggest issues personally, in business and globally. What if we dreamed big to seek and activate more extensive solutions to, for example, poverty, climate change, and housing affordability with our ‘power not to give in’.

When the flame in the cauldron at the Olympics is snuffed out at the end of these Games, when life goes back to normal and no longer offers daily golden moments that lift us, when the sun sets on the Olympics, I hope it does not set on our capacity to dream. Instead, wishing our light within, our imaginings, stay rekindled and spur us onto dream big, to imagine our seemingly impossible, and chase after it to achieve better futures for us all.


Dawn Adams is an imagination coach. She encourages you to reconnect with your imagination reminding it is a skill that can be taught and learnt. To discover more, reach out for a free half-hour discovery call at

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagine to ‘see’ possibilities