Imagine to ‘see’ possibilities

Imagination as a skill that empowers us to ‘see’ more possibilities, problem solve and plan a future was the focus of an article in Psychology Today. Shahram Heshmat PhD wrote about our ability to imagine possible futures and to invent alternate realities. describing this skill as the capacity, “to see something that does not exist”.

“Imagination frees us from the confines of our immediate reality,” wrote Heshmat, an associate professor emeritus of health economics of addiction at the University of Illinois.

“Imagining the future enables us to evaluate alternative paths forward, anticipate how we would feel if they happened, and choose which to pursue”.

In a bid to better plan a future, imagination was cited as allowing us to ‘test’ the consequences of any possible action and to use any perceived obstacles as motivation.

Regarding problem solving, Heshmat suggested imagination helps us distance ourselves from a problem and as a result, encourages abstract thinking that boosts creativity.

“The distance allows one to view problems in a more imaginative way,” he wrote.

To nourish our imaginations, he encouraged the exploration of books, art, discussion with others and education to build our knowledge of events and places that we have never experienced.


Through experiential learning at Imagination Session®, I facilitate workshops that encourage attendees to explore and develop their imaginings for many reasons that include wellbeing and happiness, professional skills development and future planning. Reach out for a free half hour discovery call.



Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagination: the power within


Imagination: exercise for the brain