The Journal

Imagine to ‘see’ possibilities

Imagination as a skill that empowers us to ‘see’ more possibilities, problem solve and plan a future was the focus of an article in Psychology Today. Shahram Heshmat PhD wrote about our ability to imagine possible futures and to invent alternate realities. describing this skill as the capacity, “to see something that does not exist”.

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New academic text links imagination to leadership skills

A newly published academic text on imagination focuses on its role in developing strong leadership skills. This volume provides a welcome addition to the growing scholarly evidence that cultivating imagination provides a pathway to professional skills, creativity and innovation

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It’s time: for new wellbeing strategies

Is it time to consider new strategies to address wellbeing as the latest data on Australian workplaces provides yet another wake-up call to act. The 2023 State of the Future of Work Report found that physical and mental health in Australia’s workplaces are in a poorer state than when the pandemic began. To me, that’s shocking news.

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