It’s time: for new wellbeing strategies

Is it time to consider new strategies to address wellbeing as the latest data on Australian workplaces provides yet another wake-up call to act. The 2023 State of the Future of Work Report found that physical and mental health in Australia’s workplaces are in a poorer state than when the pandemic began. To me, that’s shocking news.

The survey of 1400 Australian workers, conducted in June 2022, highlights a ‘tremendous’ toll from the pandemic with those suffering the most aged between 18 and 54, a third of this ‘prime aged workforce’ considering quitting their jobs.

The report’s co-author, sociologist Dr Brendan Churchill is urging Australian workplaces to prioritise wellbeing and address burnout and mental distress.

I work with imagination to enhance wellbeing as defined by the World Health Organisation as “a positive state experienced by individuals and societies” and a “resource for daily life”.

For me, it all began in lockdowns. To help me cope, I turned to my imagination. It was my pathway to wellbeing, to dream, to gain respite from ‘real’ life. I developed a daily imagination practice where I tapped out stories on my computer and, despite lockdowns, travelled to exotic locations, met interesting people and had grand adventures, all in my mind.

Imagination made me more resilient, hopeful, optimistic.

I’d like to think we might raise the level of wellbeing within our communities, our workplaces. Making that leap might require an open-ness to new ideas, a willingness to try different strategies, perhaps, even, an exploration of imagination. After all, it is linked to optimism, joy, freedom.

What do you think? Are you looking for new solutions to the wellbeing challenges we face?


Dawn Adams is an imagination coach and can help you to reconnect with your imagination for wellbeing, professional skills development, team building, better business outcomes, and more. Book a free half-hour discovery call via DM or email

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

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