Imagine to create, innovate

If ever you’ve wondered, ‘does imagination lead to creativity and innovation’, I suggest you review Albert Einstein’s remarkable life. He practised his imagination through ‘thought experiments’, often providing the seed that led to his many extraordinary scientific breakthroughs.

At age 16, when most of us find our imaginations are waning, he imagined how it would feel to ride alongside a light beam. And that was the beginning of his path to his ground breaking research.

In Walter Isaacson’s article on Einstein’s life in The New York Times, he concluded creativity is based on imagination. And noting Einstein’s dislike for rote learning, he urged educators stimulate the ‘minds’ eyes’ as well, even allow for daydreams.

I’ve been reading Isaacson’s biography of Einstein; it’s a wonderful book, I highly recommend it and he reminds Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

We need to imagine our futures before we can act to make them happen. If you seek an inclusive society, or a scientific solution, or greener cities, you first need to imagine, to find your vision for a different future. And only after that imagining, can you act to make it happen, to create, to innovate.

For me, I imagined a world where people would value and cultivate the skill of imagination to effect positive change. To make that vision happen, I created Imagination Session®.

I began offering team building sessions on imagination and now, also offer one-on-one or small group coaching to discover the fundamentals of imagination to help you call upon that skill whenever you need; for decision making, problem solving, seeing new possibilities, understanding multiple perspectives and reshaping ‘what is’ into ‘what can be’.

For more details, DM me or email

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Start the new year with an imagination mindset


Imagine to dream big, think bold, be ambitious