Start the new year with an imagination mindset

Many thanks to James Boston for publishing an article on Imagination Session® in business-to-business title WFA. It highlights our team building exercises on imagination and also, how imagination has positive benefits for wellbeing and business outcomes.

The article points to research from McKinsey and the Kantar Insight 2030 report that credit imagination and creativity as spurring businesses on to more often outperform their rivals.

The challenge for many businesses is how to retain imagination beyond the start-up phase. You might notice that, as your success grows, your days become more routine and process driven with little time or inclination to imagine.

And yet, in this ever changing world, we need to be constantly adaptable, to search for the next big idea, to imagine new possibilities, all to develop a business that is sustainable and capable of staying ahead of the competition.

In an Imagination Session®, we share the skills you need to to retain your imagination beyond the start-up phase, all the while, looking after your wellbeing, touching happiness, joy and building professional skills like critical thinking and analysis.

If you’re interested in beginning the new year with an imagination mindset, contact to learn more.

Options offered include team building sessions on imagination, masterclasses and one-on-one or small group coaching to make imagination part of your everyday.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Speaking on imagination


Imagine to create, innovate