The Journal
Imagination: the power within
The Olympics remind that the seemingly impossible can be within our grasp. We might not all be able to claim our spot in the history books as Olympians but we can still imagine. What might happen next if….
Myth busting around imagination
Sir Ken Robinson, a well known advocate for imagination, busted several myths on the topic in his book, ‘The Element: how finding your passion changes everything’.
Building teams in a WFH ‘new normal’
I was talking to a friend over the long weekend about all we’d gained and all we’d lost by working from home. The gains seemed obvious, to us, while the losses were all about human connections.
Productivity grows with rest, imagination
Here’s yet another reason to enjoy the long Easter weekend: research reveals rest is good for us. It even boosts our productivity. Like imagination, it gifts us a break from the ‘real’ world and when we return to our everyday, we might be rejuvenated, better able to find novel solutions to those challenging problems.
Preventive measures needed to address mental health
I attended a recent Sydney Ideas event that demonstrated a need for preventive measures in mental health against a backdrop of rising workers’ compensation claims in the area.
Imagination to address Employee Hierarchy of Needs
How do you retain staff; a new idea has emerged from author Shep Hyken. In Forbes magazine, he outlines an Employee Hierarchy of Needs, his own creation inspired from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The two areas where fostering an imagination can help are at the top of the pyramid. Growth and fulfilment.
Why business should take imagination seriously
Here’s why your business should take imagination seriously.
Imagine to shape what comes next
After a lovely summer break, I’m back. And planning my new year with a little imagination. We can all do that because we each possess an Imagination that gifts us an ability to adapt and evolve as times inevitably, change.
Start the new year with an imagination mindset
Many thanks to James Boston for publishing an article on Imagination Session® in business-to-business title WFA. It highlights how imagination has positive benefits for wellbeing and business outcomes.