The Journal

Imagine to ‘see’ possibilities

Imagination as a skill that empowers us to ‘see’ more possibilities, problem solve and plan a future was the focus of an article in Psychology Today. Shahram Heshmat PhD wrote about our ability to imagine possible futures and to invent alternate realities. describing this skill as the capacity, “to see something that does not exist”.

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Productivity grows with rest, imagination

Here’s yet another reason to enjoy the long Easter weekend: research reveals rest is good for us. It even boosts our productivity. Like imagination, it gifts us a break from the ‘real’ world and when we return to our everyday, we might be rejuvenated, better able to find novel solutions to those challenging problems.

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In demand skills learnt through imagination

The most sought after skills in the workplace can be developed by nurturing your imagination. I’m talking about analytical and creative thinking, named as the two top skills in demand by the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report.

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