Imagine to dream big, think bold, be ambitious

Imagination invites us to dream big, think bold, be ambitious. And positive imagining is good for us. Poets and philosophers have known that forever and now, increasingly, neuroscientists and even business consultants are placing imagination under their microscope and recognising its many benefits.

Philosopher Amy Kind says a world without imagination “would be completely dull and uninspiring, unproductive and tedious”.

How extraordinary; this unique human trait we all possess, our imaginations, makes life exciting, interesting, inspires us to act, provides us with the seed of ideas to start a business, to write, to paint, to seek out solutions like a COVID-19 vaccine, in a sense, to never give up. It gifts us resilience and an optimism that everything we need we have. If only we pay attention to our imaginations.

Imagination helps us to reinvent in times like these when so much has changed; the way we work, where and how we shop or pursue an education, how we address global issues like climate change and more.

It takes imagination to sustain or rebuild, reshape or re-invent a life, a business, a community.

Imagination broadens our view of our world, busts down the walls, breaks us out of the usual humdrum. It’s an antidote to being stuck, in a rut. I hope you’ll join us at a session one day.

  • In an Imagination Session®, in a facilitated imaginative journey, we reconnect with the laughter and joy of imagining while developing the many skills linked with this higher order cognitive activity. Ideal for team building, book clubs, Christmas parties and more.

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Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagine to create, innovate


Four tips to sustain imagination in business