Four tips to sustain imagination in business

In business, when is the most critical stage to re-activate your imagination? When do you need all your best ideas to emerge?

Our imaginations are already super active at start-up but later, when you become comfortable, successful, well established, you might need your imagination even more. Why? To keep ahead of your competitors, to continue to lead your industry, to not suddenly find your business is languishing on the sidelines as disruptors change everything in ways you’d not imagined.

Here are four strategies to activate and sustain your imagination so that when you need it most, when your competitors are at your door, you’re less likely to feel it slipping away:


    In your breaks in the day (and I know there might not be many) give yourself permission to imagine, to allow your mind to wander to thoughts that are not always task-related. In other words, try not to focus on your to-do list and instead, open up your mind to the endless possibilities.

    While you can schedule in breaks (like a walk at day’s end), ideas from your imagination can also come, seemingly, unexpectedly in the natural breaks in your day; over breakfast, while driving or commuting, picking up the kids from school, walking the dog, even brushing your teeth or waiting for a Zoom meeting to begin. Don’t waste idle moments; use them to imagine.

    As you build your imaginative fitness, you may find you start to the look at the minutiae of life, those particular tasks or challenges, in different ways and sometimes, see surprising solutions or alternatives ways of doing things. Those a-ha moments.


    When everyone on your team is willing to share their original ideas, it can lead to important breakthroughs at critical moments. However, there are also often barriers to sharing such as a concern about how those ideas will be received. Will other team members think you foolish, might they laugh or not take you seriously anymore.

    Building imaginative capabilities in teams requires a step-by-step approach.

    A first step is to create a listening culture where all ideas are welcome and judgements set aside. Imaginative listening, encouraging all to participate, is a leadership skill that can be taught and learnt.


    Barriers also exist around sharing ideas between teams especially if those teams more often work independently, in silos. The concern around how ideas will be received can also loom large in this setting and again, requires the skill of imaginative listening to establish a culture where ideas are welcomed, judgements and criticism set aside in favour of discovering the seeds for inspiration.

    Critical is accepting that there will be many ideas that don’t go anywhere in terms of commercial value but they are still one more step along the route to finding your best ideas and stepping into the realms of creativity and innovation.


    Our goal is to encourage imagination, to teach you the skill of imaginative listening to foster cultures that are open to and welcome new ideas. Also, to hone your imaginative fitness so imagination becomes a source you turn to when you need it most.

    We guide you along a facilitated imaginative journey and invite all to participate, to break down the barriers to sharing ideas, to recognise the joy inherent in imagination and the thrill of setting free and growing your brain power to tap into your creativity and innovative thoughts.

    Reach out if you’d like to know more, or to book a session.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagine to dream big, think bold, be ambitious


Imagine to reach for the stars