New wellbeing and team building solutions for 2023

In 2023, are you searching for a new solution to address the issues around wellbeing, team building and business sustainability?

Imagination Session® can help. Established last year, this start-up encourages each of us to tune into our imaginations to discover the many benefits. Imagination grants our lives meaning and purpose, connects us to hope and optimism, joy and happiness to enable a wellbeing boost.

To address team building, we guide groups along a facilitated imaginative journey. These collective imagination exercises present a refreshing human-centred strategy to build connections, grow bonds and develop interpersonal skills.

If professional development is your focus, we can also help. Did you know imagination is linked to more than 10 professional skills that include creative thinking, an open-ness to new ideas and a willingness to improvise and experiment, to innovate.

Regarding business sustainability and success beyond the start-up phase, Imagination Session® can show you how to more often access your imagination to build your capabilities to create and innovate.

Founder Dawn Adams is also available to speak at events and conferences on topics such as ‘imagination and wellbeing’, ‘building your imagination and creativity beyond the start-up phase’ and ‘creating the world you seek through imagination’.

For a free half-hour discovery call or for any queries, email

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagination: the seed for all progress


Imagination + action = positive change