Imagination: the seed for all progress

“Progress requires creativity and imagination,” a quote from Michelle Obama’s latest book ‘The Light We Carry’ (my summer reading).

Her message is insightful; it reminds that the first step for any positive change is imagination. If you can’t imagine a different future for yourself, your business, your world, you also can’t effectively reach for it. Why? Because you can’t see it, it’s locked inside the realm of the ‘impossible’.

Obama continued, “We have to be able to envision what’s possible, summoning it from the unknown - whatever does not yet exist, the sort of world we hope to live in - in order to even begin to actualise a plan to get there.”

Imagination is the seed for all steps that follow your vision, all the goals you need to set and targets you need to reach. And once you imagine, you are free to act to make your dreams come true.

To learn more about how to more easily access your imagination, to set in motion the steps needed to create a better future for yourself, your business, your world, reach out.

Here are a few ways I can help you or your team:

  • request an Imagination Session® focused on imagining the future

  • imagination coaching or

  • book me as a speaker at your next event.

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Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagine to access hope, optimism


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