Imagine to access hope, optimism

In a session I ran last week, I was reminded of the importance of imagination to foster wellbeing. Attendees commented on how hopeful and optimistic they felt as the session neared its end. In a facilitated imaginative journey, they had touched the freedom that comes from giving ourselves permission to dream.

And they walked away with strategies to imagine more often, to tap into the wellness and happiness, optimism and joy that imagination breeds.

There are so many reasons to request an Imagination Session®; among them professional skills development and to connect with the source of all innovation, your original and creative ideas. But with each opportunity to imagine, there is also a chance to address wellbeing.

In an era when our wellbeing is often in desperate need of attention, imagination offers a pathway to feeling better, more positive, about everything. Imagination is a life skill, a strategy to combat stress, burnout and more.

When we imagine together, in an Imagination Session®, it’s also about social connection and fostering a sense of belonging to a community, a team. All accomplished with, and through, laughter and joy.

To learn more, DM or email for a free half-hour discovery call.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagination to build a better world


Imagination: the seed for all progress