From a crisis, big things grow … when we imagine

When our imaginings meet, when our ideas converge and sometimes, collide, I believe there are no limits. We see that often in a crisis, that change happens. In fact, the idea of imagining our way out of a crisis, like this pandemic, is not new.

There is a long history of businesses that were founded or re-imagined during tough times.

Here are some examples:

  • Boeing and BMW had their beginnings during World War I and the Spanish flu

  • Merrill Lynch was re-imagined as a retail brokerage during the Great Depression

  • Kia Motors and McDonalds made their mark during World War II and

  • Pandora grew from the bubble and the SARS epidemic.

Can you believe Disney made its first animated movie during the Great Depression when supermarkets suddenly also became the go-to place for groceries.

To me, this trend, to imagine ourselves out of a crisis is heartening. It speaks to the resilience of humankind. Using our imaginations, we can reshape our world as long as we share our ideas, work collaboratively, and nurture them so they can cross over from the imaginary into the real world.

I’d love to hear your stories; how are you, your workplaces or businesses re-imagining themselves. Share your thoughts in the comments.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Ten + skills linked to imagination


Imagination: the experience