An imagination coach to speak at your next event?

Would you like an imagination coach to speak at your next event?

I know it’s different; that’s why it’s worth trying. To do something in a way you’ve never done before. Why? Because imagination is the source of all ideas. Yes, your imagination! And my role is to help you build a daily (or almost daily) imagination practice.

Our imaginations offer a treasure trove of ideas. Possibilities. How extraordinary, how exciting.

Imagination to:

  • foster wellbeing

  • grow empathy and compassion

  • create a more inclusive world

  • access our creativity and innovation

  • sustain and grow a business beyond the start-up phase

  • shape and rebuild a future

  • become leaders who encourage ideas generation

  • foster professional skills like problem solving, critical thinking and dispute resolution

  • ‘see’ more possibilities, tap into new ideas and challenge the traditional ways of doing things

We each seek imagination for different reasons. Some are more interested in wellbeing, others to advance their professional lives; to develop their businesses or hone their professional skills and leadership capabilities. Either way, imagination points us to a better future.

Do you agree?.

  • You’ll find my speaker profile at

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Invitation: Explore our research on imagination


New academic text links imagination to leadership skills