The imagination advantage

The latest research demonstrates that imagination has a positive impact on both business outcomes and wellbeing.

The Kantar Insight 2030 report found:

  • 72 per cent of companies primarily focused on imagination over-perform compared to their rivals

  • imagination has a multiplier effect; when combined with a strong focus on customer-centricity, 87 per cent perform better than their competitors

  • an imagination focus significantly reduces the risk of failure.

In other findings:

  • 97 per cent of businesses identify imagination as an essential skill but 80 per cent don’t yet know how to foster it (a BCG Henderson Institute report)

  • McKinsey research identifies creativity, analysis and purpose as a 'growth triple play'. Used together, it claims these strategies can deliver a business twice the growth of their peers.

Regarding wellbeing, numerous writers, psychologists, philosophers and scientists have highlighted the benefits of imagination to create a meaningful life.

  • Author Ursula le Guin wrote that the imagination “is an indispensable means of becoming and remaining human”

  • Philosopher Amy Kind remarked imagination “makes life meaningful and worthwhile.”

  • Even scientist Albert Einstein paid homage to the power of imagination to effect change, “imagination is more important than knowledge.”

An Imagination Session® is a very new, very different way to rediscover this essential skill, to add imagination to your toolkit for everyday use. Not just because it feels so good but also, to advance humankind.

As it’s new, you might not yet have experienced the thrill of going on a facilitated imaginative journey where everyone takes part, tossing in their ideas to progress a story, adding so many twists and turns, most often, unexpected. Amid all the laughter, a host of very important skills are being honed. This is a way to learn and play at the same time.

Among those skills are that imagination is a higher order cognitive activity; your whole brain is working as you reshape and rewire thoughts, stories and ideas until they emerge in your unique way. Also developed are collaboration skills, critical thinking, and confidence building to share ideas within a group and if multiple teams enrol, to cross-pollinate ideas.

But you’ll never experience its impact unless you try it. That’s why I’m offering ‘highlight’ sessions so you can check if we’re a match. and see if there is a benefit to these sessions for you or your business.

Reach out if you’d like to know more.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagination: the source of all innovation


Does your imagination have the answers?