Re-invent the wheel: why not?

‘Why would you reinvent the wheel’? Because you can. And you never know where your imagination might lead. Like the folks at MIT’s Media Lab who examined the wheel and came up with something entirely different.

Their study, into how we might navigate our cities in 2050, led to the CityCar. With no central engine, its four wheels each have an in-built electric motor that manages brakes, steering and suspension.

Here’s what I found extraordinary; each wheel operates independently, each wheel is digitally controlled.

This car can spin around, no U-turn needed. It can change lanes while pointing straight ahead. And amazingly, it can slide sideways into parking bays.

It can even fold up when parked to take up less space, three cars where one now resides. That would be amazing in my neighbourhood around Bondi. You might actually get a park near the beach in summer.

But no, you can’t go out and buy a CityCar, not yet, it’s still a prototype. But look what could happen, one day, if we re-imagine the wheel.

At Imagination Session®, we encourage you to re-imagine everything, even the wheel, to see where your dreams might lead. Perfect for team building and to retain or build a competitive advantage. For details, contact

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagine to gain a competitive advantage


Imagine to promote creativity, innovation