Seven steps to grow your imagination

If imagination and creativity are essential skills for the 21st century, what steps can you take to grow those skills.

  1. Be curious: start conversations, ask questions. Your imagination begins from what you know so the more you absorb about this world, the broader and more expansive is your starting point.

  2. Read: the words on a page can open up whole new worlds you’ve never before experienced. I love how a story can lead you into a homespun tale and then, take you across the world and then, across the universe. Without a good book, what might we miss?

  3. Watch films, theatre, music: grow your understandings through the arts where we, so often, taste life in an emotive way. We cry, we laugh, we feel the music in our very being. And dance.

  4. Meet new people: your scope for imagination grows with every story that is shared with you. I would love to meet every person on earth to learn their tales.

  5. Be open to ideas: novel ways of thinking, allow inside your vision new perspectives, don’t become set in the thought, ‘my way is the only way’.

  6. Ask ‘what if’ a lot. What if we did things differently, what might happen next?

  7. Imagination coaching: to reconnect with your innate skill of imagination.

  • Imagination Session focuses on collective imagination through team building exercises. A joyous way to learn, one participant called the experience “amazing”.

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Does your imagination have the answers?


Ten + skills linked to imagination