A new strategy needed to address wellbeing

More evidence this week that enhancing wellbeing and growing mental health resilience requires new strategies. Allianz Australia is calling for a workplace realignment after finding 1.4 million Australians say they will likely quit their jobs within six to 12 months. The impact of cost of living, burnout and fatigue are increasingly impacting all four generations now working together and leading to a wellbeing/mental health cost.

Imagination Session® is a new strategy designed to build resilience as we reconnect with our imaginations to touch laughter, joy, optimism and hope. Amazingly, imagination is also a gateway to core professional skills, ideas generation, innovation and to finding new and often, better solutions. Imagination’s ability to encourage us to ‘laugh out loud’ makes it a wonderful connecter in workplaces as well as across generations, an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate all we can each contribute.

Our sessions offer you a break from ‘real’ life. Remember what it feels like to be on a holiday when all your troubles slip away, temporarily. And you return renewed, rejuvenated, happier and better able to address the challenges of day-to-day life. What if you could give yourself that break more often by developing a daily (or almost daily) imagination practice?

When we learn the skill of imagination and become more hopeful, more optimistic, we can also build a growing confidence that we can ‘do this’. Do life with all its challenges (and there are many).

We need new strategies; that’s obvious in the findings of an Allianz Australia report:

  • 63 per cent of employees felt negatively about their work in the past 12 months while 19 per cent admitted to mental health challenges triggered by work

  • Despite those statistics, 89 per cent of surveyed managers said they were satisfied with their organisation’s ability to create mentally healthy workplaces

  • Some 60 per cent of managers said their organisation had gone ‘above and beyond’ to provide support and systems to create a mentally healthy workplace while only 33 per cent of employees shared the same sentiment.

Clearly, there is a disconnect between how employees feel about their workplace and what organisations deliver making new approaches, like imagination, worthy of considering.

Reach out for a free half-hour discovery call or any queries via DM or email dawn@imaginationsession.com

A link to the Allianz Australia and to Imagination Session® report are in the comments.


Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.


ABC Radio features Dawn Adams, Imagination Session® founder


In demand skills learnt through imagination