Imagine for wellbeing

Is imagination good for you? Can it enhance your wellbeing?

I’ve searched for the answer by seeking out the wisdom of philosophers, both ancient and modern. And learning from people who might be just like you and me.

They’re all pretty much on the same page; imagination is good for you.

David Hume, a seventeenth-century philosopher from Scotland, observed ‘nothing is more free’ than human imagination.

And Rene Descartes, whose life spanned 1596 to 1650, saw imagination as “the principal instrument of living well”, a point highlighted in an essay by author and philosophy professor Dennis L Sepper.

“It’s perhaps not surprising that it [imagination] receives mention as one of a group of capabilities that makes human life meaningful and worthwhile,” wrote Amy Kind In her introduction to The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination.

And now, we step into the present and ask, ‘what about people who might be just like us’? How do we feel when imagination takes our hand and leads us along a journey?

Here are a few comments from those attending a recent Imagination Session®:

“A wonderful experience.”

“It was so refreshing.”

“Sets your mind free.”

To enquire about an Imagination Session, contact

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

Imagine to promote creativity, innovation


Can imagination make you smarter?